16 May 2021



Salem, regretting all his life decisions.

2021 week twenty

Buddy helped me make meatballs for Mother's Day.

V let me give her fancy braids one day at school. She took them down by lunchtime.

Two of my little kinder girls fully absorbed in perler beads. We have two more weeks of school. This week, I got offered a 4th grade teaching position at the Founders closer to my home. I felt sad knowing I wouldn't get to see these little ones stop by my classroom and say hello in the coming years, but I'm very excited to teach 4th grade. 

With all the warm rain, my garden is exploding. If anyone is in need of leafy greens, well we're up to our elbows in it... 

Theo didn't have school one day this week and got to sit in the office with Papa playing with his special grown up technic legos. 

Releasing butterflies with his class. 

We upgraded our skateboard swing this week. Matt let the kids pick the board. Fire breathing monster cat was in order. 

I must have missed this scene in Jurassic Park... 

V got to have her lovely little friend over for most of Saturday. They spent a long hot hour roller blading like crazy in a school parking lot, laughing and making up songs. This is the most magical age for best friends.

Papa took the kids on a very wet walk. 

And we got to visit our favorite dog! She was so patient to pose as a cowgirl. And too eager to be Salem's friend. Salem slipped out the back door and was lost outside for an hour in the rain. I finally found him in an upturned garbage can in our neighbors yard. He's been very humble since then. 



I kiss Theo, Me -"Ew your nose is wet!"
Theo - "That's for protection."


I show a cartoon sometimes during carline to help keep everyone quiet. V is usually in my classroom doing homework. We're watching a Little Bear episode where they're in the garden and Mother Bear is teaching them about pea vines and how they crawl. She tells them to stick out their fingers and watch as the pea vine grows out and around their fingers.
V- "Can that really happen?"
Me- "Yes, but not as fast."
I got an instant flashbulb memory of watching this exact episode with my mom as a little girl and turning to my mom at that moment and saying, "Can that really happen?" and her replying exactly the same, "Yes, but not as fast." 

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