01 April 2024



Theo qualified to compete in the elementary school spelling bee! 

2023 week thirteen 

Greek Olympics Day for the 2nd graders 

Matt walked into a cement planter and his entire shin swelled up. 

The kids were really into sculpting during the long Easter weekend. 

"I'm building a dungeon for my sister." 

Happy Birthday Matthew! Matt has wanted this shirt for a long time but I tried to convince him it was just too much. He was not to be dissuaded. He tried to order it in the fall but...

It made an appearance in the Barbie movie so was sold out for months. It was back in stock so I bought it for his birthday. 

My mom and John came to town for the long weekend and we took them to LSA burger in Denton for Matt's birthday. Our friends Travis and Mariette and their new baby and her parents from South Africa joined us as well. 

Dyeing eggs with Oma. 

On our way to Easter vigil mass for Theo to get baptized. 

Splash down. 

His first grade teacher Miss Crimmins (now Mrs. Davidson) was his godmother. It was so sweet when Theo asked me if it would be ok to ask her to be his sponsor. He loves her very much even though he was not always the easiest in her class. 

First communion. 

The group who made it until midnight. And V who is barely hanging on... 

Easter Sunday bluebonnet photos with Oma. 

Matt found the most amazing spot with such an array of wildflowers. 

Deviled eggs -one of the reasons for the season. :) 

Easter dinner. Matt smoked a chicken and a ham. I sautéed some lamb chops. We had asparagus, potatoes, and salad. Later, most of the in-town family came by for an array of desserts. 

It was also apparently Georgie's birthday so V made him a hat and demanded we sing to him. 





"Why are all of Dolly Parton's songs about being poor when she's a huge celebrity?"

"Why do we have to listen to Dolly Parton so much?" Because it's spring in Texas and my heart wants azaleas, thunderstorms, Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton. Its the season when I am my most "Southern."

At Walmart, "Whoa. Look at those absolutely enormous bras!"

T- "What does OG stand for?"
Me- "Original Gangster."
T puzzled- "I said O.Z."
Me- "That is very different. Ounces."

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