06 November 2022



Our neighborhood via Matt's drone. 

2022 week forty-five 

Trick-or-treating with cousins. 

Matt took the kids trick-or-treating while I held down the fort with all the nyquil and a barrel of tissues. I fell asleep by 8:30. But the kids came home with a sack full of candy each and brimming with enthusiasm. 

Tuesday after school Theo was on the swing and he slipped and fell. He came in holding back tears and proceeded to vomit on the floor. He said he didn't hit his head but it was all red, so to the ER we went! After a few hours they determined he just fell hard on his stomach right after dinner and the force of the fall forced the vomit. 

On Wednesday we went on a little out to eat date for szechuan soup buns and dim sum. V said, "This is the fanciest restaurant I've ever been to!" 

On Tuesday and Wednesday Matt was in NYC for a conference. When he wasn't taking notes he was living the dream walking around and eating tasty treats. 

Friday was the Founders Fun Fair! It was pouring buckets all day so we hosted it inside the Middle School Gym. There were very few hiccups and everyone had an excellent time. 

The fishing station was so fun! When the rain stopped the kids had so much fun fishing in the creek. 

Matt was face painting all day on Saturday at a festival. He got a charicature done of him. It is so upsetting. I hate it and he thinks it's hilarious. I don't think I've ever seen a worse charicature. He looks like a sleezy character from All Dogs Go to Heaven or some such film. 

The kids and I went to the Scout campout (we didn't camp) for the fireside. They got his bobcat and the kids had so much fun running around. 

I have a rude little mousie who eats the inside out of our slices of bread. 

Matt caught me in the moment of truth when I uncovered my ciabatta. 

All day Sunday Matt smoked three pork shoulders and we had pulled pork tacos with some friends and family. The trick is to use the tiniest tortillas so you can eat about 20. :) 

"Papa doesn't need face paint to be scary. His face is already haunted with all this acne."

Me- "Why are you on the floor?"
V tucked up into her shirt on the floor of Old Navy, "I'm cold. I'm down here thermomiting." 
She proceeded to use the word "thermomit" in any possible way for the next hour.