05 December 2021



Candelight breakfast before school. 

2021 week forty-nine

New book, new Legos. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Theo is totally obsessed with Pokemon. He can always be found with a sleeve of cards in his hand or feverishly copying stats or drawings of Pokemon onto countless sheets of paper. 

V and some friends before the Christmas Pageant. 

Me with the 4th grade at the Christmas Pageant. 

We got a robot vacuum. Salem was rather upset the first day, but the curiosity wore off quickly. Matt, however, is obsessed. He had no idea how much fur, hair, dust, dirt, and debris there could possibly be in our house from one day to the next. I had my suspicions but I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I was correct. 

Grandma evening decorating ornaments. 

We've got our favorite rental dog again this week. The kids have been so happy to have her and her little friend Kiki with her this week. 

Theo spent all morning weaving this web while V made a nativity out of odd bits found in our yard. 

On Saturday afternoon we all went to get a Christmas tree. 

Happy St. Nicholas Day! 

V somehow changed her clothes when she got to the Christmas Pageant so when she walked up onto stage she wasn't wearing what we had been when we dropped her off. I'm both annoyed and impressed by her ingenuity to get out of clothes she wasn't enjoying wearing. 

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