01 January 2021


Utah didn't need snow to be stunning.

2021 week one

We took a couple small hikes and they were just enchanting.

You can't help but sing "In the Bleak Midwinter" on these icy trails. 

Utah Lake.

Playing with the ice near the shore.

Recreating our engagement photo 10 years later.

Clearly we were engaged in the summer, and also apparently liked to match. 

We took the kids around BYU campus while we were down in Provo.

Matt caught this photo of V mid-complaining, "MORE STAIRS?!"

The duck pond ducks must not have had many visitors lately because they flew to us in a rather alarming swarm. Then the kids chased them for a while for good measure. Other ducks still followed them while they were chasing in the off chance that they had crumbs in their pockets. 

Outside our first apartment. 

We also stopped for a nice visit with the Strouds. 

On Monday I got to see my old roommates Becky and Lauren! We got no photos except this one where we're all unmasked and mid hot chocolate. Our minutes were too precious to bother with photos. I only hope it wont be four more long years before we see each other again. 

We had planned to go sledding, but the lack of snow prevented us. My kids were undaunted and thought sledding down the baby slide was the height of sledding fun. 

Monday night Matt and I got away to Park City. We laughed so hard when we saw the tub in our room. Somehow, we got upgraded to the "baptismal font" room." 

After walking up and down Main Street we just popped into a little place for a small dinner.  The beef and bison with bleu cheese fondue was so satisfying. Just perfection. 

It was so cold up in the mountains. Unfortunately I followed a bad tip (ahem Matthew) and thought the sidewalks would be clear of snow, so I didn't wear snow boots, just regular boots. Such a mistake. Our toes were dying -slowly, and painfully. One of the best parts of the night was sitting in a little coffee shop people watching through the window. There were so many ladies in stunning fur coats. I've never seen so many in my life. We talked to a man in a fur store the next day and he said, everyone saves their furs and brings them to Park City to wear. When it was 8 degrees the next morning, I was pretty jealous of the fur coats. 

Breakfast is such a beautiful sight. 

Beautiful Park City. It was such a pleasure to walk up and down your frosted streets. 

As much as the kids like Uncle Jacob, and adore Aunt Kaleigh, it's really this sweet little drop of a pupper that they're going to miss. 

Our flight home was unfortunately very eventful. We got an alert to be at the airport extra early due to unexpectedly high volumes. So we were extra early at an empty airport... Then our flight was delayed an hour. Then halfway home we had to stop and wait in Amarillo because of some issue at DFW with Air Traffic Control. 4 hours later we're still sitting in Amarillo. Luckily there was a very upset surgeon who had an early surgery the next day, or I think they would have made us de-plane. But we finally flew into DFW then spent over an hour parked before we could approach a gate and get off. Then our carseat never surfaced... We were scheduled to be home by 4pm. We didn't get home until 11:30 pm. What a flight...

Through it all the kids were better than you could ever expect. They waited patiently, took naps, watched a movie, read books, colored, ate so many snacks, and just quietly took the beating of a trip that this day threw at us. 

When we unpacked we found these surprise Uno cards in our luggage. During our night away when Uncle Jacob and Aunt Kaleigh were watching the kids, they invented a new game: Uno hide-and-seek. Whatever card you draw, you get that many seconds to hide. Clever game that ended in Uno cards everywhere- clearly. 



The whole trip, "Kaleigh is so pretty. Aunt Kaleigh has all of my hearts. I just want to stay here and snuggle Aunt Kaleigh. I just love Aunt Kaleigh so much." 

"This poop colored heart is for Uncle Jacob because he's a poop."


V- "Can I go with you to Park City?"
Me- "Kids don't go on anniversary trips."
V- "Well, they do now!" 

1 comment :

  1. More stairs INDEED. Endless stairs. I instantly gained ten pounds after I graduated because I was no longer trekking up and down those stairs and hadn't adjusted my food accordingly. 😅

    Your visit was magical and utah feels emptier without you in it.
