30 March 2020


Not to diminish how hard and horrible this has and will continue to be for so many, but this past week has been lovely and slow and peaceful for us. It has been a gathering in and recharging. 

2020 week thirteen. Quarantine week two.

V found my old harem pants with the stretched out elastic in the trash. She had a new vision for them. We made them into a flowy breezy jumper for her. She was so pleased and proud and wouldn't stop talking about how creatively she "recycled" these pants.  

Theo is having the time of his life being home with me all day. I have to do crafts with him and he just loves it. 

I HEARD this huge lizard crawling on the fence behind me! 

When it rains in spring in Texas, it is the most beautiful place on earth. 


"See these little hairs? When I'm a man they will be long and curly!"

After I cut his hair, "I miss my hair bridge. Or rainbow." his hair flips over his head like a rainbow when it's long.

Me - "Yo estoy en mi casa."
Theo- "Jo is in my house."


T- "Where are you going?"
V running away - "I need to work on this poem!"

While V and I were cooking curry one night, V stood over the stove and composed a poem called "Seasons in the curry pot."  It was so tender and cute.

Me- "Move that bag of tricks."
V- "It's not full of tricks! It's full of treats!"

1 comment :

  1. Hope you are all safe & sound! Sending my love to you all!πŸŒΏπŸ’œπŸŒΏ
