11 November 2018


Veronica and I did some painting one afternoon during Theo's nap. I'm going to pretend that this clean up didn't stress me out to the max. 

 2018 week forty-five

My little lunch date. We went to the Maple Leaf Diner for some Canadian cuisine.

I had poutine (so very delicious!) and a butter tart (almost even better!). And I stole most of Theo's fries to dip into my leftover gravy. 

On a cold afternoon we had our lunch by the fire with a friend. These two little blondies did NOT try to touch the fire and I was so proud of them. 

We got a few copies of Matt's book in Korean in the mail this week. Hah. 

V -"Papa, can you please brush my hair straight?" Matt- "Hold on, let me take a picture first."

First scout campout! It was SO COLD! Which means everyone slept like logs and no one got bit by any bugs. The campsite was so beautiful. You could hear cows next door and geese overhead and the sunrise was so frosty and lovely. 

Being a little booger when I was trying to take her picture of her neckerchief. It was 8pm and she was out of her mind with smores and chips and giggles. And I was the only one who woke crying in the middle of the night (from nightmares about tornados). 



"Mama. Here's a cute poem I wrote:

'What do you think?
What do I think?
What does anyone think?
What a silly poem to think, think, think.' " obviously she's a prodigy poetess child.

"Theo, if you have a shield then I can't wap you to death."


"Hi Luna! Did you miss us? ANSWER MEEEEE!!!!!" cat runs away wildly.

"I'm NOT going to be puffy like a popcorn." In protest of having to wear a snowsuit.

Me -" Theo, who made you so cute?"
T- (always) "A monster."

Matt and the kids like to think of the silliest roasts for each other. It's their favorite bonding activity.

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