11 February 2018


Reading on the couch while Theo and Luna nap.

2018 week six

This is the face of a double ear infection. Even Papa's coziest sweater couldn't comfort her. 

We woke up one morning (after a 70 degree day) to beautiful ice drops covering everything.

There's nothing like a lap cat on a cold day. 

Helping each other make crafts. They're making pipe cleaner bracelet swords.

Saturday afternoon coffee/hot chocolate run. The kids sat and (loudly) played with dominoes for almost an hour.

V was very proud of her little domino houses.

Theodore was too.

Sunday morning waffles with Grandma and Grandpa. 


When I ask him to apologize, he thinks he's getting away with not actually saying sorry if he says the person's name wrong, "I'm sorry Mam-ick. I'm sorry Verababa. etc."

He named his bear "Fox" and gets really angry if you call it a bear. "NO! It's a FOX!"


Amazement park = amuzement park

"Oh Theodore it's just going to be delilent! (delightful)"

Cleaning pipes = pipe cleaners

At night they've been playing a new game with Matthew where they will spell each letter of their names and he picks a random letter upon which to tickle them. It's a pretty effective way to teach Theo how to spell his name. 

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