28 January 2018


My boy the prince of goblins. 

2018 week four

Veronica getting ready for school. I snapped a photo before she added all her sparkly discordant accessories.

Though I have many friends with trucks, I'm fiercely independent. Ha. Who needs a truck when you have this swiss army knife of a car? 12 ft boards. 

On Friday afternoon (!) V started to get sick so we rushed to the doctor before the weekend to make sure it wasn't flu. It wasn't. Phew. 

Saturday night date night with the brothers and sisters in law. We had a lot of fun trying out Marty B's. 

Sunday morning family time working in the garden. We build a new raised bed this week and Matt helped me add these stakes to make a wire archway between them. My peas beans and tomatoes will have a lovely place to climb.

How we found Veronica during nap time. It doesn't seem very comfortable to me...



"Skirts are RUINING my life!"

V- "I'll never have kids. They'll just whine and complain."
Me- "Who will you live with?"
V- "I'll just live alone with cats and a dog and a horse. Two cats and ONE dog and a horse."
Me -"Do you think you'll be lonely and want to be in love with someone and marry someone?"
V- "If I find someone I love I'll marry them."

Veronica has started to sleep in a sleeping bag on top of her made bed so she "NEVER ha[s] to make [her] bed AGAIN!"


"Ew Spicy!" Theodore swallowed hand sanitizer! It was only a little bit so I gave him water and milk but he complained about his tummy hurting for the next two hours.

T-"Chifus lights song eh eh cat mew meow."
Me- "You want me to sing you a Christmas song like a cat?"
T- "YES! meow meow!"

"No I DO." = "Me too." or "I want to do it."

"Awwwwww Cute" Theodore calls a lot of things cute and it's really precious -especially when it's photos of family members or birds outside.

"Hold me" "Need You" = Things I hear all day long.

"Actually" = Theodore has been adding "actually" to the end of sentences and it's really funny. "Truck makes roads, actually."  "Birds want food, actually."

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