03 December 2017


Last Sunday, I took Vera to her first ballet. We went to our ballet studios performance. Even though she slept through the second half (which is probably for the best. It's hard to follow along if you don't know the ballet, she was tired, and then I got to enjoy it without her standing on my lap loudly whispering questions) she has been excitedly talking about it ever since.
2017 week forty-eight 

Grandma, Grandpa and a couple cousins came with us. I think everyone had a good time. Vera has been dancing around holding her nutcracker ornament pretending to be Clara. 

This is usually the first sound we hear once the kids are allowed out of their room in the morning. I really don't mind. 

Our new cat Luna is assimilating well. She lets the kids pet her in the morning. And even though she sleeps under our blankets all day, she's quite friendly and sweet at night. 

Theo is working really hard on being patient with her and not squeezing her. 

During the week, Vera and I drove down to Dallas to visit her friend in the hospital after a surgery. She was really excited to pick out a little gift bag of presents to bring her friend. 

Friday morning we woke up to no milk, the closest milk can be conveniently found in the donut shop. So away we went for some impromptu donuts. 

Matt had a work party that night. I made some almond sugar cookies and spicy gingersnaps. 

I'm starting to put my Grandma Ronnie's china in our china cabinet. I love to look at it. And I really love to use it. 

Oatmeal feels like such a treat in this beautiful bowl. And I don't mind more opportunities to think about my Grandma. And it's impossible to use her china without thinking about her. 

On December 1 (an 80 degree day. yuck) we unloaded the Christmas boxes and spent all day decorating and setting things up. My children get so excited to play with their little nativity every year

On Saturday we went to a very fun kids party at a tumbling gym. My kids had never had so much fun. I think they ran for an hour straight without slowing down. 
Vera got a Rudolph nose in her advent bag. She's been wearing it non stop.


I recorded nothing this week so here's a long boring video of my kids playing on my bed and then me making that bed. 

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