24 September 2017


We did an art project one morning. The kids made feather masks that they absolutely couldn't see out of because of all the feathers. :)

We got an advance copy of Matthew's book this week! It was so fun to look through and see in person. You can still preorder his book. thisisnotamaze.com It comes out around Thanksgiving. 

Sweet sibling snuggles with cinnamon-cardamom buns and hot chocolate. They both insisted upon using tea cups... The cups survived unscathed. 

This scene brought to you by Theo pooping on the toilet. His prize is being able to play with Matthew's elaborate lego cars. 

So much lego love. 

During a fun trip to Bass Pro shop. Vera worked all week to earn a little bird that made noise when she squeezed it. She was so happy to be able to finally retrieve it. 


Uncle Jacob came to visit. While he was holding Theo, Theo stroked Jacob's mustache and looked confused. Then he started stroking Jacob's eyebrows and then pointing to the mustache. He was trying to figure out why a third eyebrow was growing on Uncle Jacob's lip. Haha.

"This biscuit is going to be an animal. And WOW the jelly is perfect for the BLOOD!!"

"I'm a horsey who poked an animal and now the blood is dripping out it it!"

"My egg is running! It almost looks like my egg is having yellow diarrhea."

"The Mater on the bus says 'Mater done, Mater done, Mater done.'"

"I'm not cute! I'm delicious!"

Vera -"Is this scary music?"
Matthew- "No, this is Pink Floyd."

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