07 November 2016


On Halloween, our library showed a Halloween movie marathon. We were the only ones who showed up for "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." Also we were the only ones wearing costumes at the library. 

2016 week forty-four
V decided she didn't want to be part of our group costume for trick-or-treating. She opted instead to be a "Ballerina Peacock."

She was really happy with her decision all night and kept telling me how beautiful and brave she was. Cousins were a fox and a raccoon. 

First real trick-or-treating. 

She was really proud of how brave she was to go up to every door and say "Trick or Treat!" I was really proud that she said "Thank you" almost every time.

Sorting candy. I stole the large snickers. She never noticed. 

She wrote her own name on her packed lunch for preschool. She ate the candy and pretzels and one bite of sandwich... 

We made a silly scarecrow for our garden one day. I tried so hard to make it look cute, but I think the fate of all scarecrows is to be creepy. Vera loves him though.

Shaving cream color mixing. I asked her not to rub it on her body. I don't know why I thought I could prevent that, but for the rest of the day she had grey green arms. She looked like a gargoyle come to life. 

Playing with the big bear at the library. 

She got to touch a snake and a "poky lizard!" at the Highland Village community fair.

Then she got to jump on bounce houses and ride a pony!

This is how Elsa smiles, didn't you know that?

Her favorite part was getting to make this silly headband and then dancing across the lawn.

Sunday morning we went for a family walk down a walking trail near our house.

Though this photo is blurry, we love her little strut and the jaunty weed flinging up in the air held in her teeth.

We got to walk down to the creek bed and skip stones for a while.

Matthew was obviously king stone skipper.

Matthew was also King child chaser. 

And I was Queen Comfort-the-baby-who-fell-on-his-face-and-busted-his-lip-and-then-proceeded-to-be-pathetic-for-the-rest-of-the-day.  Vera was Princess Complain the whole way home that she never wants to go on that walk again because we didn't stop to watch her climb a bench after she told us that she needed to poop quickly so we hurried home. 


"Mama! I snuck into the witches cottage and was VERRRRY quiet so I didn't wake her up and I stole her cat hat! And I was very wise and tricky so I didn't get a spell on me."

V- "I have a small belly button, but Papa has a big belly button."
Me- "Do you think he has a baby in his tummy?"
V- "Hmm. Well I could ask him."

"Skiblets" her name for Skittles.

"I just LOVE these Pretzel Sprouts." (Brussels Sprouts)

"When we go for a walk and the things might be blown up, and I just don't care because it's my deal. But if they aren't they aren't but if they are they are." This is how she rambles on almost continually all day.

"I have a stomach egg."

"How do we actually go to that store?" A sample of the nonsense questions she continually asks me.

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