31 October 2016


How can one tiny person possibly be so messy so often? Never again will I think he can handle himself eating a cookie at Target. I had to stop another mom in the aisle and beg a few baby wipes off of her. Not shown is the fist full of dripping cookie spit steadily dripping onto the floor. 
 2016 week forty-three

Midway through this week we decided to change our Halloween costumes -for the better, I think but really it was a scramble. I made V this vest one afternoon and after throwing a fit about it not closing skin tight around her, she consented to wear it for a while.  She did really like the hat.

Matt wanted to take a photo of an average moment during one of our meal times. Aprons at dinner are clearly part of the uniform. :)

I wanted to remember how Theo constantly has his tongue sticking out and to the side. It's cute, but results in a wet face and shirt all the  time. I leaned in to kiss him the other day and he stuck his tongue into my mouth. 

Waiting in line for early voting.

While I was prepping some eggplant parmesan (an old family recipe my Great Aunt gave to me, it was special for me to make it and it was so delicious.) I let V play with the leftover flour from my "breading station." She had a really good time of it. And even though she kept coughing and saying how gross the flour was, it didn't stop her from taking another bite, and another bite, and another bite.

She made this necklace during her quiet Theo naptime activity. She wanted to pose like this. 

She also wanted to pose like this. Why? She is so proud of herself in this photo because she got to wear "a sweater over my body." It was almost 90 degrees outside and way too hot for a sweater, but she wanted it so badly. "Please, as a special thing, can I wear my sweater on the walk?" But she doesn't want to wear it normally; she wants no shirt  underneath.  She also begged to wear panties on her head for the walk. We compromised with the crown.

I tried to show Matt this sweet photo of me and my boy. He has a special knack for making seemingly sweet things turn sour.  "Hmm, looks like Theo is taking this selfie." Dang it Matthew! Now you've ruined it! 

"King Brother" really wanted the magic puff wand as well. He wanted it really, really badly. 

He's always stealing my potatoes to gnaw on. They must be helping because he popped out his first three teeth this week. 

Happy Halloween! RIP Harambe. Theo acted his part splendidly. V complained that she wanted to hold two guns, so one was stuck in her waistband. Frida is not part of our costume. 


"Mama, how do you say 'urethra' in French?"

"Mama, I really don't like it when you say candy is garbage. We should not say that. Can you please say sorry for saying my candy is garbage?" In my defense it was a ring pop. Those things are garbage.

"Wow! You're a wizard Theo!" He grabbed a chopstick out of my bowl and was brandishing it around. 

"I wish I could eat that caterpillar!" We found an ENORMOUS caterpillar. I've seriously never seen one anywhere close to how big this thing was. It looked like a hotdog! But not enough like a hot dog to justify V's weird request to eat it. "But what will happen if I just cut it up and eat it?" "You'll throw up, probably."

"I'm just being a joke!" What she likes to say when she suddenly prances out into the living room wearing panties on her bun and panties on her head.

"Look at this nice picture I drew. This is my fire captain worm. And this the fire cap that stops the fire and it's connected to the fire captain worm and that's making the fire and it's burning down all the things and the fire captain." I wonder what she thinks a fire captain is. 

When Theo is frustrated about something he will take his fist and repeatedly punch himself in the face. Or he'll turn to find whatever he can and ram his head into it. He was mad at me for not letting him climb on me with gross sticky hands and he tried to head butt me. I caught his head and that made him really angry. He head butted the couch instead. There. That'll show me.

This is why he needs a bath every night. He comes in looking like a chimney sweep after crawling all over our firepit. 

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