24 October 2016


Theo got to experience the joy (read tears) of a bounce house.
 2016 week forty-two

But V was brave enough to do the bounce house obstacle course by herself. She was SO proud. She did it like 10 times.

We met up with some friends. V gets along so well with these friends. Please don't move away. 

They loved looking in the Tortoise and Hare pen.

I let V play with the pumpkin innards. She made a huge mess which usually bothers me enough to stop her, but I just ignored it and let her be little and messy. And wonderfully, she accidentally separated all the seeds neatly into a bowl. Awesome! Permissive for the win. They made some fantastic toasted pumpkin seeds. 

Throwback to college pumpkin bread feasting with roommates. One semester we made probably 15 or 16 loaves of pumpkin bread. Our freezer was stocked with golden spicy deliciousness. 

Wednesday we went to our local high school homecoming parade. We had such a fun time.

They were so generous with their candy. Vera was prancing around wild eyed in candy showers. 

Theo snagged a box of nerds that he sucked into a wet mess and they exploded all over him. 

Lolly pop number 5 or 6 at this point. Theo's sweet smile. 

The swim team float threw V a penguin hat. She hasn't taken it off yet.

Notice the penguin hat is still on the next day. We finally met our neighbors (we've both lived here for 4 years. This reflects poorly on me.) and V had so much fun playing with Angela. They invited us over and they played around watching Micky Mouse in Spanish and discovering Mexican candies. I labored for 40 minutes trying my hardest to remember ANY Spanish verbs. So I mostly spoke in poorly accented Spanish nouns. But I was also kind of proud of how much information I was able to glean. Truthfully my brain was fighting between French verbs and Spanish nouns.

When we eat any meal there is a 3 foot radius of space around Theo. Any time I forget and leave anything in that danger zone he immediately grabs it and either throws it on the ground or puts it in his mouth. 

My children haven't received the memo that it is cooling off. 

Matt's family always paints pumpkins. We didn't collaborate but both painted black cats. I'm sure you can't tell who painted which.

Our garden is still producing! 

He's been on this table at the library for over 10 minutes. He's thrown everything on the floor and is shouting at everyone who passes.


"Mama, what would happen if I would be in the room where it happened?" (We've been listening to a lot of Hamilton around here this week.)

"Mama, if you hear me do this then I'll get in trouble so can you please make sure you don't hear me?"

"I was playing doctor with papa. But I'm really not a real doctor." (Oh, you don't say.)

One day Theo woke up from nap before V did. When I got him out of his crib he was straining against me trying to face V's bed while yelling "BAH!" at her. I took him into the hall to change his diaper. The second I finished strapping him up he sprang from me and crawled as fast as he could to her bed, climbed up and plopped himself down on her face yelling, "BAH!" the whole time. It was so cute that he just wanted her to be awake with him.

"oooooOOOOOOooooooooh" (Theo mimics the sounds of fire engines when he hears them pass by. We live pretty near the firestation, so we hear them frequently.)

"Theo is grateful for his wagon." (Every night we try to remember to ask V what was good about her day, and try to tell her what we're grateful for. Every night without fail she says Theo is grateful for his wagon. He never plays with a wagon...)

"Why is this book in French?" (At the library we were reading a little Brave book that was narrated by Merida. I tried to read it in a Scottish accent. Clearly she wasn't impressed.)

Me, "Are you being sneaky?"
V, "No."
Me, "Are you hiding that toy behind your back so I cant see it?"
V, "Yes."
Me, "That is being sneaky."

(I found V using a paintbrush to smear Elmers glue around on the table.)
Me, "What is that?"
V, "I don't know."
Me, "I think you do. What is it?"
V, "I don't know. Well, I think maybe it might be probably a little bit like the glue stuff."
Me, "Is it glue?"
V, "Yes."

Whisk = Whisker as in, "Mama can I please use your whisker."


  1. 💖 Love reading about V and Theo... Love & miss you all very much!💖

  2. 💖 Love reading about V and Theo... Love & miss you all very much!💖

  3. So fun! Love those two sweet kids!!
