30 June 2024



Snack time. V made strawberry lemonade and helped me make peanut butter cookies. The cookies were good but they were WAY better as ice cream sandwiches later in the week. 

2024 week twenty-six 

Some little cutie stole my sunglasses. I forgive her. 

The last swim meet of the summer for these two. They both did so well and won a few of their races! 

The morning light on Theo's expanding window garden. 

We got a Sunday subscription to the Dallas Morning News so the kids could have the experience of reading the Sunday Comics. It has been a nice thing to wake up and read the news (or comics) in the morning light. 

Pickles resting his paw against the wall. We all had a good laugh at him about this. 

Kip sleeps in such dramatic ways. 

My sunshines at the Dallas Farmers Market on a very hot summer Sunday. 

Looking for lunch. 


Me- Theo, why are you going to put on hot tennis shoes and socks to go to the farmers market?
Theo- You said it is in Dallas. I don't want to get cigarettes or city dirt into my sandals.

Matt encouraging Theo to learn a new annoying trick. 

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