19 May 2024


Theo was so happy to have a giant box to play with this week. He made himself into a robot. 

2024 week twenty

Poor Pickles wasn't interested in his poncho. 

Pup in a basket. 

Thursday night was the end of the year awards ceremony.

I love this jazzy photo of V leaping off the stage after receiving her award. 

Theo won the history award for the third straight year. 

Friday was Westward Expansion Day for V. She dressed as Tom Sawyer and taught everyone the proper way to shoot an arrow. 

Theo bridged from Wolves to Bears. 

Matt helped his brother in law pipe in insulation. Though it was really hot, I think they really just loved using the giant sprayer. Look at them, just loving it. 

I have trained the chickens to come to me because I will bring them a handful of treats. When I say hi to them without treats, they are very angry and show me this by pecking my hand anyway. 

And now some photos of my lovely garden. 

Behind the back fence there is a small forest of sunflowers growing. 

More progress on the chicken coop. 

Sunday evening dessert (apricot cherry clafoutis) and tea from the garden. 



"Oooh, that's a juicer." Theo about anything good, or exciting, or actually juicy...

"Ugh. Salad just tastes melancholy."


"*Sigh* I wish I had a dead rat to bring to school for my Tom Sawyer costume. And you wont let me get that dead possum behind the shed- OH! I know! I'll bring a box of my old teeth! Perfect."

V- "I really want this candy. I'll pay for it."
Me- "You don't have any money."
V- "I do! I have at least two dollars worth in the car."
Me- "Your old teeth are not legal tender."

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