12 May 2024


Nurse Scott and I embarrassing Theo. She told him if he bumped his head one more time he would have to wear a helmet to school. So she grabbed his helmet from the bikes and brought it into class to try to make him put it on. We couldn't keep a straight face and Theo was a good sport about the elaborate tease. 

2024 week nineteen

It was career day at school. V is a zoologist; Theo is an army ranger.

V looks like a little anime character on her walk to school. 


The actual coop is done in all its glory. We moved the babies into the larger coop. Eventually when the run is done they'll be big enough to go in and out. For now the automatic door is shut off. 

Morning puppers. 

Cousin birthday party. Our kids are all crazy enough to swim in 75 degrees. 

The kids also had a piano recital this weekend. It was Theo's first one. 

Mother's Day breakfast in bed followed by as much yard work as we could get done before the rain. 

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