03 December 2023


Cousin/Auntie Erica and I got to drive down to Ft. Worth on Wednesday night to see SIX the musical. It was such a great show and we had so much fun! 

Gorgeous venue.

And I spied Melissa and Wren on the front row! Wren got up to dance with Anne of Cleaves at one point and it was inspirational. Haha. Good for her. She really experienced the fullness of the musical and even got to meet the queens after. I'm so proud to bask in her reflected glory. 

On Thursday morning Matt had an eye appointment so I drove him down to Dallas. We had breakfast in this very swanky hipster coffee house. I'm too hasty a judge.  Because there was *so much* atmosphere I was convinced it would sacrifice coffee quality. I was wrong. The coffee and breakfast burrito were excellent. 

Thursday evening was the Christmas Pageant. 2nd grade. 

5th grade. 

Me, clearly with my teacher walk on. 

Saturday evening, all the local family drove down to Waxahachie for their Bethlehem display. They convert a large field into a replica of ancient Bethlehem and the Nativity play runs throughout the town every 30 minutes. The kids loved seeing the camels, but they just stayed to watch the potter throwing a bowl on the wheel for 20+ minutes. 

The Christmas season is upon us. Matt spent all day Saturday candying 16 pounds of pecans. 

The kids and I decorated sugar cookies Sunday morning. 

Pic by Theo. Shadow Mama folding laundry. 

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