09 December 2018


Cute photo of these two scout friends from the campout a few weeks ago. Photo Credit my friend Katrina Frank
2018 week forty-nine

Cold snuggly Christmas book reading time with my buddy. Photo by V

V has been learning about Christmas in other countries at school. On the day about The Netherlands, Sinterklaas made an appearance at their school and filled all their shoes with toys. 

Learning how to play Egyptian Rat Slap (or Screw) with Papa. 

Waiting in line to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop. It's our favorite place to see him. She was really proud when she could hear other kids ask their moms if they could climb the tree too and they all said No. 

They were so excited. V asked him for makeup and a hoodie. T asked for a stuffed animal owl and a toy crane. V has worn this dress every year we've gone to see him since she was 3. It's the magical Christmas dress that just continues to fit her.

And then we had to walk around the whole store looking at and trying to touch every taxidermy animal. 

And another cute one from the campout: waiting for dinner. Photo Credit Katrina Frank.



Picks up "The Night Before Christmas" and asks Theodore, "Would you like me to read this in Italian?"

V calls The Grinch, The Grunch. I like to imagine it was what he was called during his 90s grunge phase.


"I'm just the best boy of the mall." (of them all)

T- "I'm going to draw Santa a Happy Holiday card."
Me- "Do you think he would like a Merry Christmas card?"
T- "No. It just needs to say Happy Holiday."

Me- "How did this yogurt get on the table?"
T- "It's just magic how that happened."

At every park and in every parking lot, "Look at all these cigarettes! Wow! This one is such a cool one!" Why? 

He has been waving a lot to strangers and telling them Happy Holiday. I don't know where he picked that one up. It came in handy, however, when we went to a Jewish Deli and he was respectfully wishing everyone Happy Holidays. Ha.

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