22 July 2018


Ready to ride to swim lessons!
 2018 week twenty-nine

Hanging out at swim lessons watching sister. She's learned so much in the 5 weeks of lessons. She's a lot more confident in the pool and even though level 4 was REALLY hard, she kept trying and didn't give up. I am very proud of her.

Matt and his old friend Travis went to see a Smashing Pumpkins concert. 

A friend left this blue lizard behind. It was been the best thing that has ever happened to this little goblin.

Practicing her photography skills. 

V planted a sunflower seed from preschool last spring and yesterday we got to harvest a good handful of sunflower seeds. 

Stitching away and watching Hugo Cabret.

Saturday evening was 5 hours of pool, and grilling, and ice cream and fun. We had such a good time. A perfect summer evening. 



"I wish I could be you Mama. Then I could have kids and control them." If you figure out the secret let me know babe...


Me- What can you do with seeds?
T- You can put them in the sand.
Me- And then what do the seeds do in the ground?
T- They explode.

I let the kids have a soda with their snack and Theodore gasped and said, "Is it my BIRTHDAY?!"

"I fix robots and if they try to run away I shine a light in their eyes. But if they try to be funny then I will laugh."

Me- Oh my lands.
Matthew- #NativeAmericans

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