25 March 2018


Matt let V blow popcorn kernels out of his blow gun. She was "hunting monkeys for her family to eat." We've watched a lot of Human Planet...

 2018 week twelve

A totally fine visit to the dentist with absolutely no problems whatsoever. It was a miraculously well-behaved 40 minutes. In the lobby she walked up to a strange lady and said, "Hi, my name is Veronica, will you read me this book?" Hah.

Birthday flowers sent from my mom. They are just stunning.

Birthday morning. The kids made me a couple cards and Matt had presents laid out for me. I stayed up late the night before making Swedish cardamom cinnamon buns for my birthday breakfast. 

My first ever cheesecake was absolutely a success. The kids only liked the berries.

Cool spring breakfast outside where Theodore promptly began screaming for some reason or another and everyone got in trouble and sent back inside. 

My friends left so many balloons on our lawn for my birthday! It was such a fun surprise. The kids fought over them until I let them go free two days later. This is V yelling at Theo for hitting the balloons. 

The girls got to try on their recital dresses in ballet this week! So exciting! V just loves hers. I couldn't think of a better style or color for her. She is going to adore this dress for a long time. 

Double date at Korean bbq. It was all you can eat and Matt and Cassandra whipped our butts. Goodness. So much delicious meat. It was such a fun date even if we couldn't really hear each other talk.

Birthday photo with V 2018








"Thedore, do you want to get shot? Then say 'Oh My Gosh!' one more time!" I swear she's never seen Pulp Fiction...

Puts sweaty sticky sock feet on me, Me- "Do you think that I want that?"
V- "Yes"
Me- "You're wrong."
Then puts them close to my face, so I put them into her face, Me- "Do you smell that? They smell so bad!"
V- "No. I think they smell good, like candy." 
Tries to put them back into my face. I push her away at this point.

"Uhm. Graham crackers are NOT a kind of cookie. You said you were going to give me a cookie."

Eating cheesecake, "I just really don't like the mushy white part."

One night as I'm headed to bed, I walk past the guest bathroom and get hit with a wave of pee smell. I flip on the light and there is a huge puddle of pee on the stool and pee foot prints back into V's room, then a pee puddle on her carpet and a pee soaked pajama-ed Veronica in her bed which is also now pee covered... She apparently got out of bed, sat on the stool instead of the toilet, didn't pull her pants down and just peed... We strip her bed and she starts to throw a tantrum about different pajamas and socks and is about to wake Theo up so ends up getting in trouble (after she kicked me and screamed at me) and yelled at. I walk back to brush my teeth and Matt starts humming "Happy Birthday to you..." Kids man. She remembered nothing in the morning except getting yelled at...

Me- "V what kind of birthday party do you want to have?"
V- "Hocus Pocus." 
Me -"I'm not sure how I can do that."
V -"Maybe Nightmare before Christmas."
Me -...


"Now I know my E F Gs next time wont you sing with me!"

When Theo was wearing a watch he asked what time it was, when I said 9 o'clock, he corrected me that it was actually 9 o'watch. Oh. right. Clearly. 

"I want butter on ants for snack"

"I want to play with wasps. I love it! It's my favorite!"

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