01 August 2016


I let them watch a few minutes of Harry Potter this week. Entranced.

2016 week thirty

We finally got our reveal letter in the mail from the creepy package we received a month ago. You can refresh your memory about it here. It was from some friends from our ward, who apparently had a really fun time laughing about how freaked out I was. :) Ha. Ha. 

One evening we decided to just delay bedtime to go get ice cream. Vera was really happy with this decision. One time Matt and I were listening to a comedian who pointed out that the surprise, out of the way, fun activities are the ones your kids will remember. His example was waking up kids in the middle of the night for ice cream party. He said that your kids will remember that forever and yes it's kind of a pain and you really just want to let your kids sleep, but it's truly a small thing that will bring so much happiness. These things are only special though if they are unusual and kids expect a daily grind and routine. So we'll stick to being strict and try to remember to surprise them periodically with something small and fun.  

I didn't take a lot of photos this week, but here are a few fun videos from our week.

Grandma made Vera a knitted crown. This is how Vera showed her appreciation.

Theodore finds it hilarious when I say, "Puddin'" or "Mr. J!" in a Harley Quinn voice. He laughs so hard.

"Mama, I just don't want you to be rough with me. That's number one. And then I don't want. That's number two. And you will use rough hands. That's number three. And number four is please don't use rough hands."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Said every day as her new way of back talking. "Vera, please put that down." "No! It just doesnt make ANY sense!"

"Toots are air."

"Do cats like asparagus?"

"This is my shark finger and this is my rat finger."

V, "Pickle dickle."
Me, "That rhymes! It means the end of the words sound the same, like Hug and Bug. What rhymes with cup?
V, "Hug."
 Matt laughing.
Me, "Up rhymes with cup. What rhymes with bread?"
V, "Corn."
Clearly, we're not there yet. 

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