14 October 2024



State Fair of Texas 2024 

2024 week forty-one

On Thursday afternoon we took the train down to the State Fair. Butter sculpture. 

Free-standing card sculptures

The half man. 

The Ferris Wheel. 

The kids' first haunted house. Theo said it was so scary. But he asked to go to Six Flags Fright Fest for his birthday, so I don't know what he's going to do when he encounters a real haunted house. 

It was great that the kids were old enough to ride all the rides they wanted and we could just watch. 

The swings. Theo is holding his yellow bandana out. 

The kids were so excited to see the chickens hatching, like they've never seen this before...

The prize pig. 

An absolutely horrifying condiment display... 

The craft building was a big hit. The kids were so inspired by the amount of "scale model dioramas" that they've been doing nothing but building their own lego scale models all weekend. 

We each got to pick the treat we wanted to try and then share it with everyone. I picked the corn dog -classic.

Matt picked the flavor winner: burnt end bombs. 

Theo asked for a mango. Anything in the world you could get deep fried, and he picked a fresh mango on a stick. It was probably the best mango any of us had ever had though. 

V picked a chocolate covered frozen banana. 

We had a few tickets left on our way out so we wanted to try the wackiest thing we could. We settled on Sushi bombs. They were odd -mostly just crispy batter with lots of sauces. 

Train ride home. V isn't sad - just tired. 


I really hate the Ferris Wheel. But my family insists that I *must* ride it with them.
Me- "I don't want to go. You all do want to go. You go without me, save the tickets and have a good time."
Theo- "But if you don't go we WONT have a good time."
Me -"But if I go then I WONT have a good time."
V- "That's ok!"
Me- "So you can only have a good time if I'm miserable?"
V and T together - "YES!"

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