14 October 2024



State Fair of Texas 2024 

2024 week forty-one

On Thursday afternoon we took the train down to the State Fair. Butter sculpture. 

Free-standing card sculptures

The half man. 

The Ferris Wheel. 

The kids' first haunted house. Theo said it was so scary. But he asked to go to Six Flags Fright Fest for his birthday, so I don't know what he's going to do when he encounters a real haunted house. 

It was great that the kids were old enough to ride all the rides they wanted and we could just watch. 

The swings. Theo is holding his yellow bandana out. 

The kids were so excited to see the chickens hatching, like they've never seen this before...

The prize pig. 

An absolutely horrifying condiment display... 

The craft building was a big hit. The kids were so inspired by the amount of "scale model dioramas" that they've been doing nothing but building their own lego scale models all weekend. 

We each got to pick the treat we wanted to try and then share it with everyone. I picked the corn dog -classic.

Matt picked the flavor winner: burnt end bombs. 

Theo asked for a mango. Anything in the world you could get deep fried, and he picked a fresh mango on a stick. It was probably the best mango any of us had ever had though. 

V picked a chocolate covered frozen banana. 

We had a few tickets left on our way out so we wanted to try the wackiest thing we could. We settled on Sushi bombs. They were odd -mostly just crispy batter with lots of sauces. 

Train ride home. V isn't sad - just tired. 


I really hate the Ferris Wheel. But my family insists that I *must* ride it with them.
Me- "I don't want to go. You all do want to go. You go without me, save the tickets and have a good time."
Theo- "But if you don't go we WONT have a good time."
Me -"But if I go then I WONT have a good time."
V- "That's ok!"
Me- "So you can only have a good time if I'm miserable?"
V and T together - "YES!"

06 October 2024


I was feeling poorly one day after school. Theo made himself a snack and asked if he could take a photo of it. This is his snack, made, styled, and photographed by Theo Cole. 

2024 week forty

Then he brought me my own drink with a cinnamon stick and apple slice garnish. 

On Saturday, Matt was helping a friend build a fence, V was running in the Regional cross country meet, and Theo and I got to go to the scout shooting sports day. We waited long enough to get back in line so he could have another round. He was fairly consistent and felt really proud of the few bullseyes he shot. 

It was a scout-filled weekend. On Sunday we went for a scout hike around Lewisville Lake. The boys were *so* loud as they were having a great time. The highlight was finding the four enormous orb weavers around the pavilion and feeding them grasshoppers. 

On the hike after I told him for a 1 mile hike you do not need to bring a snack and he was mad but I was firm: 
Theo not realizing I'm standing right behind him- "What!? We do get to eat a snack! I can't wait for my mom to get here because I'm going to bust her so bad." 
Me- "Hi."
Theo immediately embarrassed -"What?! How did you get here so fast? You heard me? Do you feel busted?" 

30 September 2024


V testing out her pumpkin head for a dress up day at school. 

2024 week thirty-nine

Matt came to have In-N-Out lunch with V when the truck was on campus. 

Literary character day. V is Hera, I am Ma Ingalls and Theo is Jack from Magic Tree House. 

The only photo I got with the hat. The hat really made the outfit, so even though it's a bathroom pic, it's included. 

V and some friends as greek goddesses. 

The microwave shelf just pulled itself out of the wall Thursday night. 

Matt fixed it up better than before. 

Shameless plug to advertise my bike. We have fully loved this bike for seven years, but everyone has quite outgrown it. If you or anyone you know are interested in buying my cargo bike, please let me know. 

It can fit up to three small kids on the back bench with handlebar options being open, as shown, or closed all the way around. 

V being her goofy self while playing piano. 

Creepy edited photo Theo took of V.

School photo proofs arrived! This is year seven for V wearing this little black bat clip in her hair. May the tradition last forever! 

Handsome boy. 

Card games before the cross country meet. 

V's last regular meet of the season. She has worked so hard this season and I'm so proud of her. 

While V was running, T went fishing with some cousins. 

On Saturday night we had our 13th annual Apple Party. 

Matt, making cider shakes. 

Kids in awe at the ungodly amount of candy options. 

The weather was lovely and it was a great time. 

Cousins stayed the night after the Apple Party to enjoy apple cider donuts with us for breakfast. 

Theo, V and I worked so hard all weekend after the party doing the Fall cleaning. He was very motivated, because I told him when he was finished he could start decorating for Halloween.

Sunday night was also Hobbit night for us. On September 29, the Hobbits arrived at The Prancing Pony and had a delicious meal. I recreate that meal every year: cold meats, hot soup, fresh bread, slabs of butter, ripe cheese and...

a blackberry tart. 

Sunday continued to be busy for us, we had family over for the Hobbit dinner, then we drove down to Dallas to meet up with some friends for Shakespeare in the Park. We saw Julius Caesar, and all of my family slept through most of the 2nd act. 

Monday was a day off school for us, and we spent the entire day deep cleaning. I'm exhausted but as V said, "*Sigh* It is such a pleasure to be in such a clean room." Amen. 

22 September 2024



Tuesday was National Cheeseburger Day apparently. I got a text from Matthew that said as much with an accompanying wail of "If we have to eat sad salad today it will be like taking Christ out of Christmas." 

2024 week thirty-eight

Being cute at school. None of the 6th grade teachers send me photos of V being cute at school. 

On Friday evening, Matt and I went to see Ray LaMontagne in concert at the Music Hall at Fairpark. 

It was my ideal concert: Seats. The opener started on time. They only played for 30 minutes. The headliner started on time. The excellent music wasn't even loud enough for earplugs. And I was home in a bath by 10:30. Perfect. 

Salem snugglecat. I love his little protective paw on Matthew. 

Matt and I are about to start this book for October. I read The Turn of the Screw in High School and it was so creepy and I loved it. 

On Saturday morning I met up with Ashley for Yemeni coffee and treats. We had the best time trying the sampler of different drinks and just chatting for a couple hours. Some older gentlemen offered to share some of their tea with us as well and when we left one of them told me I looked like Celine Dion. Haha. Coffee, pastries, dear friend, and a confidence boost? Smashing. 

While I was off galavanting, Matt was getting well overheated in the attic working on electrical projects and building a pathway. 


T- "Whoa, is that man a stunt devil?" precious.