09 February 2025



Veronica's mural was finished last weekend. She loves her giraffe print wall. Matt's dad does such great murals. If you're ever interested in your own mural, I'll happily send along his information to you.

2025 week six

Science experiments at school. 

Your students may have made you Valentine's cards before, but has a student ever made you a Valentine's tomahawk? I thought not. 

There are probably a hundred similar photos of Theo making silly faces into my phone. He thinks he's pesting me, but I'm not upset at seeing his little face. 

One of many blanket forts the kids constructed this weekend. 

They even slept in the fort in Theo's room. They were comfortable until the cats thought they could prowl along the top and it all caved in on them. 

Matt and I did a lot of yard work this weekend. Matt finished this final raised bed for me. I'm hoping to have a permanent strawberry patch. 


When I sing V's bedtime song, sometimes I pretend that I'm singing the song to the dog or the cat. She hates it and keeps getting in between me and the animals and wont let me look at them. The dog loves this weird game.

V- "Do you know why I don't like raisins? It's because one time I thought I was eating a raisin but I ate a beetle instead."
T- "Mama, tell me the truth! Do you EVEN CARE about Zelda?"

Me-"Veronica, you don't need to be touching animals! Just handle your business."
T- "Yeah Veronica, you have to stop touching yourself!"

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