11 August 2024



Shaking hands with the most distinguished gentleman on my first day back for teacher work days. 

2024 week thirty-two

On Saturday, Matt and his dad generously drove a U-Haul down to Dallas with me to pick up this lovely table and chairs set. I'm so pleased with them. Thank you very much to my friend who offered them to us. 

Matt had a Zombies Night with friends on Saturday. 

The cats and Kip love to play with our lemon grass. The kids stuck some fronds into their collars and watched them try to attach each other's stems. 

Kip isn't really sure she likes this game because she knows Salem is always playing hot and cold with her. One minute it's gentle sniffs and head bumps, the next minute it's a hot skippity-pap-slap to the face. 

A bonus photo of me and my Great-aunt Babs from last week. 

And an additional bonus photo of me and my dog, Lars, when I was about Theo's age. 


Theo was being combative and sassy while I was trying to get him to handle his business
Me- "You're being a real teenager right now."
T- "If that was supposed to be an insult, well I take it as a compliment."
Me- "It was a compliment. Teenagers are old enough, and mature enough to get their stuff handled quickly and done well."
T- "Oooh. You got me with that one."

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