03 April 2017


In my birthday hammock with my children in the warm breezy spring air. 

We've been here any spare moment we could this week. And no, to answer your question, my children are rarely fully clothed.

Matthew took his birthday off which was so fun for everyone. But it was the most fun for him because he shot down this little lady who has been trying to set up house in the attic right above our bed. 

I don't know who is more pleased. Vera that she got to touch a squirrel or Matthew that she was so pleased to admire his kill.

Happy Birthday to Matthew. :) 

Most of the week we had to be out of the house because we were getting our carpets replaced. We didn't get true "before and after" photos because we didnt think about it until most of the furniture was moved, but here are a few before photos: Living Room

Hallway to Front Room

Front Room

Hallway to Bedrooms

Hallway to Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom

As is probably the case with all home renovations, it was not as simple as we had assumed. There were several layers of laminate in different places including some black tile looking floor in the hallway and master closet, and this lovely stuff, which is probably original to the house, in the living room. 

After photos: Living Room

Hallway to Front Room

Front Room

Hallway to Bedrooms

Hallway to Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom


"Mmmm. Mama, do you want to smell my Giraffey? She smells so sunny and warm."

Vera -"Can you say the word teats? Try. T-eeeee-ts."
Me- "Teats."
Vera -"Very good Mama. Those are Giraffey's favorite food and I'm frying some up now for her for lunch."

"Are you reading a Satan magazine?" I was reading National Geographic. 

"We're going for a walk on Street Down Lane for donuts. They have the best donuts and it's Giraffeys birthday." It's ALWAYS Giraffeys birthday. Always. 

I didn't get a lot of quotes this week. Most of Vera's days have been singing Moana or Ariel songs anyway.

Theodore can say a lot of words now: Mama Papa Kaka (Veronica) *kiss noise* for dog (very odd) Nonononono (can you guess who he learned that from? Anyone around here trying to yell no at him every day? I'm looking at you Vera) Hi Eye Bye Car Up Please DUH! (done. But it's always shouted.)

1 comment :

  1. Your floors turned out beaitiful! Kiss & hug the kids for me!💜 Miss you all!
