09 January 2017


Princess birthday party for a friend. Vera dressed as Rapunzel. You can see her hair pooling at her feet. 

2017 week one
Look at these festive and sparkly decorations. It was a princess haven for these girls. 

Vera was resurrecting her love for play-doh this week since we are not equipped with clothing to play in the 20 degree weather.

The frustrating fate of play-doh. Today when she pulled it out it was all a mottled greyish purple. Not nearly as fun, but every child must mix the play-doh. It's what you do. 

After a couple weeks of 70+ degree weather we got some snow in Texas! 

Quite a bit of it too. ;)  It was very magical for Vera. She was too excited to take a nap, but had no desire to play in it. 

My friend Lauren sent me this photo she had on her phone of Vera at Theo's age. My baby. 

A friend of ours handed down this large stuffed bear. Theo loves it. He sleeps with it every night in some sort of dog pile configuration. It's very cute to find him curled up underneath the bear completely hidden beneath it. 

I am now the proud owner of a waffle maker. Our first run was with a yeasted waffle batter, it was very tasty. Our local grocery store sells in-house squeezed orange juice that is the best and my favorite. A new waffle maker was excuse enough to splurge on some nice juice.

Sunday morning was the perfect frosted morning for a family walk.

When Texas freezes it is almost magically beautiful. There will be pockets of ice and frost with startlingly cold air and skies that write the definition of "clear blue."

It was beautiful and absolutely still. A perfect way to round out the morning after waffles.

And some people complained the whole time.


V- "Why don't you like to wear the color yellow, Mama?"
Me- "Because my skin has a lot of red in it so I don't think it looks good."
V- "Yeah, the red is from all your blood."

"GAH! Theodore! He's being such a turd mushroom!"

"This is the way you kill your family, kilt your family, kill your family, this is the way you kilt your family on a cold and frosty morning." 

"I just wish that there was snow all around and there were little ice wolves and ice giraffes and ice caterpillars and ice bears and ice turtles!"

"My business just LOVES this adventure!"

"I'm being a mean girl called Attacka Wolf. Attacka Wolf is a type of mean girl who wears purple polish eyes. She always likes to be naked because she's the type of mean girl who likes to be naked."

Me- "It's winter and cold. You have to wear clothes."
V- "I just want my body to be absolutely free and naked so I can run around with just hair."

It's 17 degrees outside. "But I have to take off my sweater and socks because I'm just hot and sweaty! You have to let me take my clothes off!"

"Giraffe's favorite movie is a ballerina giraffe movie called "Tippy Toes."

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